Health and Wellness Programs

  • We aim to organize at least three annual health fairs throughout the OKC metro: 1) in the north (Edmond), 2) central (OKC), and 3) south (Moore) to provide free basic health exams to uninsured populations and connect them with various other local health services.

  • An education and prevention program that focuses  on efforts and activities that prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections  in Oklahoma. The program provides counseling, testing and referral services for individuals at  risk for HIV infection; client-centered counseling; patient navigation for HIV-related medical.  and social services; and culturally sensitive bilingual HIV/STD education workshops. Breaking  the Silence also provides testing for Syphilis, Hepatitis C, Gonorrhea, and Chlamydia.

    Target Population: Anyone that is 14 years and older can receive these services.

  • This program is paused until further notice. We can however refer you to other services.

    An evidence-based community outreach program that provides awareness and education, screening and early-detection of breast cancer, as well as support services including patient navigation to medically underserved Latinas in Oklahoma.

    Target Population: Uninsured Latina women and Latino men of 40 years or older, without a previous history of breast cancer and who meet a certain income status.

  • A comprehensive nutrition program for Latino adults, that uses various approaches via health promoters’ to combat food insecurity and promote healthy lifestyle choices . The various approaches are:
    1) A two-hour nutrition chat
    2) Grocery store visits
    3) Food demonstrations
    4) Enrollment assistance for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP & formerly known as EBT)
    5) Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Orientations
    6) Adelante, a community walk (hyperlink: ). The curriculum is supported by Unidos US, with funds from the Walmart Foundation.

    Target Population: Adult Latinos.

  • We staff the Health Window to promote and provide our services directly to clients of the Mexican Consulate.

  • A CDC approved lifestyle change educational program  for adults at risk of developing diabetes or adults diagnosed with pre-diabetes. LCDA is  currently certified by the CDC as Full-Plus Recognition Status. This is a year-long lifestyle change program for adults over the age of 18.

  • The program provides FREE Diabetes Self Management Education (DSME) classes to teach participants about, and assist them with, setting goals for proper nutrition, physical activity, regular check-ups, glucose monitoring and consistent medication use.

    Target population: Adults over the age of 18.

  • An 8-week program designed to engage the entire family by providing health and nutrition classes as well as weekly opportunities for regular physical activities. This program model was developed by the Institute for Hispanic Health, and the University of Illinois of Chicago, and was originally started by The Healthy Kids, Healthy Families® initiative of the Oklahoma Caring Foundation. Currently, this is supported by funds from the Bank of America.

    Target Population: At least one Latino caretaker and at least one Latino K-12 age child.

  • A community-based program that works mainly in partnership with the Oklahoma Caring Van/Variety Care program, and sometimes with the Oklahoma City-County Health Department (OCCHD) to provide education vaccinations at no cost.  All persons can receive vaccines regardless of immigration status or if you have health insurance (some exceptions apply for adults). This program has funds from Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH).

    Target Population: Children from 0-18 years of age for school vaccines. (If a child does have health insurance, only SoonerCare/Indian Clinic is accepted for school vaccines.) All-ages for flu/COVID vaccines (although adults with certain health insurances may not be eligible.)

  • We provide enrollment assistance with a focus to the Spanish-speaking population, to eligible persons for SoonerCare or the Healthcare Marketplace, via funds from Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma.

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