Treatment Programs

  • A certified program where violence perpetrators are mandated by the court to attend 52 weeks of group treatment intervention sessions that address issues of power and control which lead to various forms of violence. The LCDA has developed a sterling reputation with the Oklahoma court system that sends us the program participants.

  • Evidence-based 16-week program where addiction/recovery is encouraged with skills for the entire family to be have a healthy life.

    Target population: Parents with children between 3 and 18 years old, with Substance abuse problem/addictions or are recovering from them and those seeking family reunification.

  • Funded by a different source than Child Trauma, LCDA provides individual and family counseling including Parent/ Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for children with mental health problems.

    Target Population: Children 4-21 years of age.

  • Individual, family, group counseling, and case management services for children 4 to 21 years who have witnessed or been traumatized by violence.

  • This program provides COVID-19- related assistance to victims/survivors of domestic violence and their children. The assistance included is: receiving the vaccination/boosters, testing and testing kits.

    Target population: Victims of domestic violence.

  • This program provides comprehensive care to children with severe emotional and behavioral disturbances between the ages of 4-21 in their home community.

  • A certified program that provides drug/alcohol treatment services to adolescents and young adults including: individual and family counseling, co-occurring disorder, group treatment, crisis intervention, intensive outreach, community presentations, and case management.

    Target Population: adolescents (ages 12-21) and adults (22 and up) who have abused chemicals to the extent they have become socially dysfunctional. Family members or significant others of the clients are also part of the target population to be served.

  • Services consisting of 20 weeks of therapeutic center based parenting classes, support groups, individual counseling, and parent-child interaction observations for parents referred by DHS.

  • Intimate Partner Violence/Sexual Violence Prevention – A program directed at reducing domestic violence and sexual assault through IPV/SV prevention case management. Target population: Spanish speaking victims of intimate partner violence, Sexual Assault, and stalking.

  • This program provides non-offender sexual abuse treatment services that are specialized and comprehensive to victims of child sexual abuse or at risk of sexual abuse and their families. The non-offender groups for parents consist of 20 - week programs that are center-based and therapeutic in nature, including parent support groups and individual therapy.

    Target population: Families referred by DHS.

  • An evidence-based 14 weeks parenting and family skills program that focuses on using reward systems rather that punishment to modify behavior and improve family communication, boundaries, routines and discipline.

    Target population: Parents with children between 3-18 years old, for those who want to increase family unity, and have children with behavioral problem.